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Dark Yonder - Issue 1- Final Cover - Low Rez.tif

Don’t miss out on Issue 1 of DARK YONDER, a new literary journal that’s pushing the boundaries of neo noir. Issue 1 includes a killer cocktail recipe, commentary by editors and crime fiction authors Eryk Pruitt and Katy Munger, plus the best of dark fiction today:

  • The Twenty-One Foot Rule by Nick Mamatas

  • Home Game by Craig Faustus Buck

  • Beni by Gregg Williard

  • The Worst Game of Baseball Ever Played by Adam Breckenridge

  • Perforation of a Moment by Mike McHone

  • Dorothy by Anna Kristiansen

  • Or Not to Be by Johnny Shaw

  • The Entitled Life and Untimely Death of King Booker by P.M. Raymond

  • Verna Maxell by Dana King

  • A Harvest of Malice by Matt McHugh

This is not your grandfather’s noir. Forget middle-aged alcoholics in bad jackets roaming the mean streets of L.A. in search of redemption and a bonus roll in the hay with a duplicitous dame. The debut issue of DARK YONDER takes a look at the dark side of modern life, including sibling rivalry, the shelf life of marriage, our culture of greed, violence as entertainment, child soldiers, obsessive love gone wrong, and so much more.




Mike McHone is a Detroit-based author whose work has appeared in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine; Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine; Mystery Tribune; Guilty Crime Story Magazine; Tough; Rock and a Hard Place; Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine; The AV Club; and the Anthony Award-nominated anthology Under the Thumb: Stories of Police Oppression, edited by S.A. Cosby. He placed on Ellery Queen Reader's Poll for the year 2020 and was the recipient of the Mystery Writers of America Midwest Chapter's Hugh Holton Award for the same year. Learn more about the author at

Nick Mamatas has published over 100 stories total in the science fiction and horror genres as well as several novels, including Move Under Ground; I Am Providence; and The Second Shooter. He is the author of short crime fiction appearing in Ellery Queen; Long Island; Vancouver; and Berkeley Noir; Best American Mystery Stories, and the upcoming Black is the Night, a Cornell Woolrich tribute
anthology. He has also co-edited numerous anthologies in the crime, horror, and science fiction genres. His work has been nominated for the Stoker, Hugo, World Fantasy, and Shirley Jackson awards. Learn more about the author at

Anna Elin Kristiansen is a Denmark-based author with a passion for writing psychological drama. Her first short fiction piece, “Natalie,” was published in 2021 in the Delmarva Review. Since then, her writing has appeared or will appear in Straylight Magazine, The Last Line Journal, In Parentheses, Goats Milk Magazine and on Minimalism Life. She's an avid reader of literary fiction and will devour anything by Alice Munro. Having tried life on for size in London, Hong Kong, and Auckland, she now lives with her husband and two young daughters just a short drive from Hamlet's haunting castle. Learn more about the author at or on Twitter as @annaelinwrites.

Gregg Williard is a Madison, Wisconsin-based writer, visual artist, and teacher. His drawings and paintings have been widely exhibited, and his fiction and essays can be found in Conjunctions, The Rupture, New England Review, The Iowa Review, Sweet Lit, and elsewhere. He does a late-night book
reading hour, Fiction Jones, on WORT Community Radio (89.9FM, Madison, WI) and teaches English as a Second Language to immigrants and refugees. Follow the author on Instagram: @greggwilliard1.

Dana King is the author of the Penns River and Nick Forte series as well as the standalone Wild Bill and numerous short stories. His novels A Small Sacrifice and The Man in the Window were nominated for Shamus Awards by the Private Eye Writers of America. His short fiction has appeared in Thuglit; Mystery Tribune; Spinetingler Magazine; New Mystery Reader; A Twist of Noir; Mysterical-E; and Powder Burn Flash as well as the anthologies Blood, Guts, and Whiskey; The Eviction of Hope; The Black Car Business; Down to the River; Unloaded 2; and The Shamus Samples 2, among other publications. Learn more about the author at

Craig Faustus Buck is an L.A.-based journalist, nonfiction book author, writer-producer for network television, and the author of numerous feature films, short stories, and novels. His novels include Go Down Hard and the novella Psycho Logic. His short story “Honeymoon Sweet” won the Macavity Award and his work has been nominated for two Anthony Awards as well as the Derringer Award. His six nonfiction books include two #1 New York Times bestsellers and his short film “Overnight Sensation” was an Academy Award nominee. He served as a writer on the seminal miniseries V: The Final Battle and wrote the famous episode in which the Incredible Hulk dropped acid. Learn more about the author at

Adam Breckenridge is an overseas traveling faculty member for the University of Maryland Global Campus, which is dedicated to the education of military service members, veterans, and their families throughout the world. He is currently based in South Korea. He has had 33 short stories published to date with his fiction appearing most recently in Lucent Dreaming; The Fantastic Other; and Beneath Ceaseless Skies.

Matt McHugh’s fiction has appeared in Analog; The First Line; and New Reader Magazine. His novella Radioland was named among Publisher's Weekly 2015 Indie Stars while his short story Burners won the 2019 Jim Baen Memorial Award and Jennifer Gives Her Heart to Radioland was named PARSEC's 2021 short story contest winner. Learn more about the author at

P.M. Raymond hails from New Orleans and is the author of the short story “Gotcha” published in Dark Fire Fiction andlater reprinted in Kings River Life Magazine; the micro-fiction 123 story, “The John Hughes Guide to High School Girl Transformations” for Pyre Magazine; “The Day the Music Died” for Rock, Roll, and Ruin, a Triangle Sisters in Crime Anthology; “Adventures in Babysitting” for The Furious Gazelle; and a 2022 Halloween finalist short story, “Backward and Forwards,” published in Flash Fiction Magazine. You can follow the author at

Johnny Shaw is the author of seven novels including the Jimmy Veeder Fiasco border novels: Dove Season, Plaster City, and Imperial Valley. His work has been nominated for the Anthony Award three times, including his Best Paperback Original-winning comedic adventure novel Big Maria. He has also been shortlisted for a number of other awards and won the Spotted Owl Award twice. His short fiction has appeared in Thuglit; Plots with Guns; Crime Factory; Shotgun Honey; and numerous anthologies. Find him on Twitter at @BloodandTacos or learn more about the author at

Book no.2
Book no.1

Dark Yonder is the official literary magazine of Yonder: Southern Cocktails & Brew.

Stop by and meet us when you're in town! 114 W. King Street, Hillsborough, NC 27278

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