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Note: We are currently accepting stories for our holiday issue, due out at the end of the year. If you are submitting for that issue, please include the words "Holiday Submission" in the title of your email. 

If you are submitting a non-holiday themed story, please note that it will be February 2025 before we get back to you with whether or not your story has been accepted.

General Guidelines

WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR: First and foremost, we’re looking for great stories and unique voices in the neo noir genre. That means a plot. It means a beginning and an end. It means that unusual writing styles are welcome. Bonus points for surprising the reader. It might mean going out on a limb with what you see as your truth. Most of all, though, we are looking for stories about the real world around us. If your story is classified as science fiction, horror, fantasy, or any other subgenre set in another world, it will not be accepted. Yes, you can have some elements of other genres in your story, but the basic story itself must be grounded in our world, past or present, and deal with issues we grapple with today. We believe the most powerful stories examine the darkness we live with each and every day. In short, we are looking for stories that illuminate reality, not stories that try to escape it.

If you’re a writer, check out our submission guidelines below for more information on being part of Dark Yonder.


  • There are no setting requirements, but all stories submitted must be categorized primarily as “neo-noir.” But keep in mind that we’re not looking for your grandfather’s noir fiction. We’re looking for new, unique voices and interpretations of dark literary fiction. Everyone is well versed in the fiction that America is raised on; we’re looking for fiction that takes us… yonder.

  • Our sweet spot is 3,000 to 5,000 words, with a 5,000 word max. No flash or fan fiction, please.

  • Simultaneous submissions are fine, although we will need to be notified if your story is accepted elsewhere as we require exclusivity.

  • We do not accept reprint submissions.

  • Because we publish four times a year, there are no submission deadlines. When your story comes in, it will be considered for the next two issues and you will usually be notified within three months if your story is accepted for publication.  

  • You will be notified of our decision about your submitted story whether or not you are accepted for publication. Because of the demands of the production period, authors whose work is not accepted may not hear back from us until four to five months after submission have passed.

  • For the subject line of your submission: please start with the title of your story, followed by a dash and your full name. 

  • Because we publish each quarter, there is always a new opportunity on the horizon should we pass on your submission for the current issue. If we believe your story would fit in a future issue, we will contact you for permission to keep the story on file for a specific amount of time.

  • If your submission is selected for publication, you will be asked to provide a 150 word or less author bio and online profile with your story. You may include information on where readers can purchase your other work in this bio.

  • Authors will receive $50 for each story chosen for publication in Dark Yonder.

  • Authors accepted for publication will also receive one copy of the issue they appear in. Authors living in the U.S. will have a print copy mailed to them. Authors with an international shipping address will have an eBook version emailed to them.

  • Dark Yonder will own all rights to your story for a period of one year following publication. After that, rights will revert back to you as the author.

  • Please submit your story to As noted above, for the subject line of your submission: please start with the title of your story, followed by a dash and your full name. 

  • Dark Yonder also offers opportunities for publishers to advertise their books. If you are interested in purchasing an ad in an upcoming issue of Dark Yonder, please contact us at

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